Your Designs Your LifeStyle


At Your Designs we will help you to achieve your ambitions. Whether you want a us to provide interactive 360° Virtual tours for your web site ,promotional T-Shirts for your business ,CD business cards or design your website from start to finish. Our helpful and professional staff are here to help you all the way.
Your Designs aims to provide the best quality solutions for the wider audience in the following areas.

Virtual tours
Using the 'best of the breed' IPIX™ 360 picture technology in which yourdesigns is a partner. IPIX is a global fortune 500 company whose imaging technology is used in over 10,000 website and is predicted to increase to over 1 million by 2007.


CD busines cards
Which can hold anything from a small presentation to your company website or catalogue on a handy small business card size cd !
Photo quality T-Shirts
Using sublimation printing to advertise your business or events. In a variety of sizes and styles
Website design
Using the 'best of breed' software and hardware to provide the best tailored interactive solutions for you or your website. The latest Nikon Camera technology, IPIX interactive picture technology , Java , Flash , IBM Hotmedia , etc..
Our technical staff have been working in the IT industry for the over 20 years and have an in depth knowledge of IT and how it works having gained Microsoft and Oracle Certifications.
© 2003-2004 YourDesigns
Telephone: UK (01322) 431 789 International +44 1322 431 789